South Atlanta Professional Firearms Training+
USCCA, NRA and NAAGA Firearms Training
Introduction to safe handling and use
Class Description
This is a 4-5 hour course designed to educate the student on the safe handling and use of a handgun. Topics covered will be: GA Gun Laws, basic firearms safety, firearm manipulation, general maintenance and fundamentals of marksmanship. This course requires that the student demonstrate the ability to utilize safe gun handling techniques.
Cancellation Policy
Students are required to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of a class date in order to receive a refund. Student cancellations will be assessed a 10% administration fee which will be deducted from the refund. Classes cancelled by students less than 48 hours before the class will not be refunded. Students who do not show up to attend a class are not eligible for a refund but may be rescheduled if a future class is available. Students who do not attend all portions of a class are not eligible for a refund but may arrange with an instructor to attend another session.